A series of sectoral analytical events for investors interested in the rebuilding of Ukraine

A series of sectoral analytical events for investors interested in the rebuilding of Ukraine

Ukraine is one of the world’s top 10 exporters of agricultural raw materials. For many years, the country has been trying to change the concept of agricultural sector development and move towards creating more processing industries.

UkraineInvest invites to join online event

The full-scale war has caused significant losses and disruptions in both the production and export of commodities. The total damage to the agricultural sector as a result of the war is estimated at $34.2 billion.

As a result, there is an urgent need to develop the agro-processing sector, which will contribute to economic recovery and diversification of supply chains for high value-added goods. Investments in the amount of tens of billions of dollars will help create a new, progressive agricultural sector in Ukraine.

The purpose of the event is to make an analytical assessment of the possibilities of establishing agro-processing facilities in Ukraine and to present the most promising investment projects in this area. We invite you to join our online event.

Organized by: 

UkraineInvest – Government of Ukraine Investment Promotion Office.

Since 2020 we: 

  • supported attraction, and unlocked over $ 1,5 billion in FDIs
  • provided 4000+ consultations to investors (legal, financial, analytical, etc)
  • resolved over 150 issues of investors operating in Ukraine
  • developed over 80 legislative proposals to improve the investment climate
  • ranked in the top 5 of best IPA’s out of 23 CEE countries, 2020-2022


Date: 18 May 2023

Time:  16:00-18:00 (EET)

Format: presentation of analytical report, state support programs, case-studies, Q&A

Language: English/Ukrainian (simultaneous translation)

Target audience:  investors, government, financial organizations, expert community

Click here to REGISTER

 Part 1 (10 min)

Welcome remarks


  • Mykola Solskyi – Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

Part 2 (30 min)

Presentation of the sectoral analytical report


  • Sergiy Tsivkach – CEO, UkraineInvest

Part 3 (50 min)

Practical aspects of implementing projects in Ukraine, presentation of investment cases


  • Viktor Ivanchyk – Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer of the Astarta agro-industrial holding (TBC)
  • Serhiy Sypko –  Founder and Director of the Agrofusion group of companies (TBC)
  • Oliver Gierlichs – Managing Director & CFO of Bayer Ukraine (TBC)
  • Matteo Patrone – Managing Director for Eastern Europe and the Caucasus (EEC) at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) (TBC)

Part 4 (30 min)



  • Anna Derevyanko – Executive director, European Business Association

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